The Real Reason They Want to Ban TikTok

One hear from the Zionist controlled mainstream media that they respect freedom of speech of their citizens and the free world that they dont ban media outlets like in the rest of the world, they think we suffer from short or long term memory they insult our intelligence these people, as soon as they dont like when they get criticized they not only shadowban you they straight out pull the plug on you like RT like Parler now with Tiktok, these are the exact autotorians they say others are, I hope people stop participating in upkeeping the System by not voting, not this time, this time I hope all those friends who didnt vote for Mr Trump actually go on and directly cast their votes for him and lets see what happens, what is for sure Biden cannot be re elected again, thats for damn sure, he has too much blood on his hands to be trusted, look we can compare the presidential terms of these two candidates, we actually have some facts before us, President Trump he perhaps talk too much you might not like his style, I do, but you might now but at least he didnt initiate new wars to his credit, if Biden gets re elected may God forbid we know what we are heading, with more wars both in the Holy Land and in Ukraine which we have to avoid at all cost, this could lead to WW3, Biden is a yes man while Mr Trump we know is capable to say no at times so all you who voted for Biden last time I hope you actively start reach out and vote for President Trump to let Biden know where you stand that you are like Bruce Lee said, be like water be fluid, besides, President Trump did good on the economy for you, I think this time around with us being supportive of him he will be in better mood be more encouraged to the other right stuff too, I am certain of it because I intend to be more supportive of him you should too and together with Gods help we can do better than we have it today, good luck.
