The unlikely role red cows play in war between Israel and Hamas

The Synagog of Satan is about to BURN an animal in a satanic sacrificial ceremony.
Its one thing to sacrifice a lamb and distribute the meat to the needy  to those with not much to eat from those well off enough to can afford it as it was supposed to be but forcing a poor animal to burn up alive is nothing less than a satanic ritual and the Synagog of Satan and its followers are about to do just that, God took in consideration when He commanded us to sacrifice a lamb to with one stroke cut its throat off so it wouldnt feel pain, but these people influenced by Satan are about to please their dark lord by doing the exact opposite than prescribed, they are evil I am telling you, they have got everything upside down, where are the animal lovers ? look if they teach their children to murder other children dont get surprised when they burn up animals alive for no good reason other than to please their dark lord Satan, and God told them in the past to sacrifice a yellow bull the kosher the halal way, not a red cow and burn it up alive.
The end of this satanic Zionist Israeli unholy satanic entity is sooner than you think, Amen.
These people are out of their damn minds, I hope in fact I know they will burn in a more painful manner than these poor cows in hellfire, Amen.
