I definitely do not think the Pope is a Puting appeaser the Ukrainians can say whatever they want, the reason the Ukrainian nazis say this is because they have a inherit hatred for the Russians like their former cult leader Hitler did this hatred has confused them even when a man like the Pope is trying to assist them by offering good advise to these nazis to quit when they still have something left, but we know they wont and this will result in eventually those who are supplying them with arms will abandon them because no one likes to keep on helping losers in indefinitely, so I dont think the Pope is assisting Russia in fact I think the Pope wants to see Russia lose the fight but thats not happening so instead he is trying to do the next best thing which the nazis in Ukraine doesnt seems to understand before its too late for them, thats what I see is the reason behind Popes statement, because if the Pope wanted to make peace with Russia and his predecessors had all the time to do so but never took the steps to make peace, I dont trust a word that man have to say because ultimately I think his adviser is of dark character they dont want true peace they dont want to admit to the truth, that the Christ will reject him on the Day of Judgment. 
