What Makes a Jew a Jew? A Conversation With Fierce Anti-Zionist Katie Ha...

I dont understand why we are playing with words here because it is not solving anything, sure anyone can subscribe to the Jewish traditions of the Hebrews of the Middle East to the best of their abilities culturally or even religiously regardless if their ancestors were from the actual children of Jacob AKA Israel, the problem began when the Khazarian Ashkenazi Rothschilds decided to establish the unholy state of Israel and shipped in millions of people whose ancestors had zero connection to the people of the Middle East but from Khazaria, white blue eyed people with blond hair, the issue again is that these imposters use the Bible to justify the occupation of the Holy Land, so we naturally need to explain to those who culturally want to follow the Jewish Hebrew traditions that they can do it all their want, but they cannot conspire to kill and steal other peoples land because the Bible said so to OTHER people NOT YOU !! as an Ashkenazi.
if they want to play that game I suggest all anti Zionists especially Arabs to convert on paper to Judaism and take back their land that way, the thing is the Palestinians have too much dignity to do such a thing, they wouldnt want to fool you nor themselves why would anyone want to fool themselves one could ask, stop this nonsense, practice the Jewish culture all you want, but if you are not from the Middle East you are not, its like I pretend I am Swedish with my Middle Eastern good looks, no Swede would buy I am from their race, so why would I pretend to be them when I am not, I would be considered a fool if I did neither should you, just take a DNA test and find out once and for all where your ancestors came from end of story who the hell you really are, I'll tell you who the hell you are, or who the fuck you could be, you could if you chose be part of a much grander larger family of human beings united against Evil, what could be nicer than that. there is nothing nicer than this nothing more honorable in the eyes of your Maker I'll can tell you that.
