🇮🇷 Analysis on IRAN 🇮🇷

I am offering my own counter arguments on what these guys are saying and Padrick too which I take great issues with so here are my own arguments.
As this guy have issues with Iran sharing some western values, to start with, the Persians were the first ones who invented pants trousers, a Persian trate they take the best of all cultures out there to incorporate in their own culture, the Persians were the first people who criminalized slavery, they were the first culture to pay men and women equally for the work they performed and where the first ones who made human rights the law of the land this was over 2500 years back, Persians unlike some its eastern eastern neighbors do not wear the same type of outfit at their workplace from workshops to office space to at their weddings to how their elected highest officials wear, same type of clothing only different colors, and the Iranians do not look like the next Iranian with the same beards eating with their hands in fact it was also the Persians who invented cutlery I must add, I must also add that from historical records the Persians were the first ones with an established religion who believed in the One God, in Arabic Allah (the One God) so we dont have to be lectured how to do things right, like any other peoples we have had our ups and downs sure nevertheless we are still up on our own feets trying to do something with the Zionist controlled world on our shoulders, we will get back there again, Prophet Mohammad when he pointed to Salman Al Farsi sid we would at the end of times, when he said" if religion and faith gets lost his people meaning Salman Al Farsi will come to find it again" Prophet Mohammad didnt point to any other people but the Iranian people, we will restore order again, nopw going back to the counter arguments in the clip.

Death to America does NOT mean death to the American people, America represent its policies and even in the Book of Revelation it is stated God will bring the end of Babylon the Great this mystery Babylon to an end for its crimes against God and His creation on this planet, so its nothing new, it is prophecy.

Pat unjustifiably bash China as a country and as a people with the spread of Covid, when we know US officials had a hand in the spread of Covid so Pat is full of it in this regard too.

Pat also brags about Iran being the second country recognizing the Zionist entity or whatever, Iranian people didnt, the Shah did, just like Egypt Jordan Saudi Arabia UAE Bahrain Morocco their corrupt leaders also suck up to the Zionist entity it doesnt mean their people do, in fact 98% of their people will oppose such agreements with the Apartheid regime occupying the Holy Land, so again Pats arguments are for his Zionist business friends and Adam his handler to keep on eye on him next to him.

Pat also nag about why inflation is high in Iran, well the first answer to that is the sanctions, second answer is corruption of the Iranian officials, Iran is corrupt as fuck but the sanctions are the primary reason, he doesnt mention that.

I do not doubt that Pat loves the Iranian people, but from his own statement, he only likes those non Muslim ones, and Iran is 90% Muslims, well less than that because of the unislamic treatment of the Iranians who have turned their backs on the teachings of islam, so I give Pat that one, but nevertheless, 70% of the Iranians are strong believers, do not doubt that I say to Pat and others out there.

I am sure you have heard Pat criticizing US foreign aid but he always downplays the money that goes from the US to the Zionist entity as much as he can, so he can go and fuck himself over that one too because he is a hypocrite, he would give everything the US can spare to the Zionist entity, he loves the Zionist entity as much as he loves the US this makes Pat a Zionist, Pat is a Zionist, lets be honest about it, he is a fucking Zionist and if you ask me, a Zionist can never be trusted because he or she is an agent for the Zionist regime, a Zionist regime who is oppressing real Jews Christians and bury Muslim women and children alive in mass graves and shoot their men walking on the beach or send in a truck of food for people to gather around and spray them with bullets and massacre them for all the world to see how evil these Israelis are, and Pat is shilling for them, this is Pat for you, a man with a dark heart and soul.
I am done now this just pisses me off.

I forgot to say this, the Iranians are not adopting western values, Iranians are the way they are before the west even was inhabited, they adopted our values not the other way around.
