Anti-Israel protests at US universities spur viral backlash from Iranian...

There are more than three languages in the Middle East you ignorant fuck, and Yiddish is not one of them something you soon gonna find out, get the hell out of Middle East back to where you came from or become sharkfood you evil imposter.
Please attack Iranian interests I dare you, you will be met with ten times more destruction than you cause, to be honest I want you to attack Iranian interests I have been longing for this for ages so please do.
I have taken a lot of heat for being pro America by certain people, I am not changing my mind, I have met Americans in America and we all those of us who met have the same exact interests, they are good people and treated me with respect, what I oppose is the Zionist controlled officials who sold their own people out to these globalists thats the problem we all face right now around the world, I still urge the US to stay out of this and let it play out to see what will come out of it, if the Synagog of Satan wins or anyone else thats fine its ok but I wouldnt bet on the Synagog of Satan if I were you, just a good piece of advise.
