Atlanta Police Violently Arrest Emory Students & Faculty to Clear Gaza S...

I dont understand why the police come dressed more heavily armed than stormtroopers with automatic rifles wearing tens of mags like they are going to war, thats not the way police should look like when dealing with students at a campus it is absolutely insane, I know they were trained in Israel but now you are on US soil not only that on a campus, who is more peaceful than young students, I dont get it its insanity, they could be your own kids protesting have you no shame treating kids like that if they are not your own kids they are someone elses kids, these people especially the Zionist selected officials have taken this too far, students should be able to protest on their own campus all they want peacefully which is what we see, Jewish students together with all others protesting the mass slaughter of civilians in the occupied Holy Land by the hands of the evil Zionist Israelis, the only way forward is more and more protests because the more they clamp down the sooner they will lose the fight so in a way these Zionist controlled politicians are working in the favor of the anti Zionist movement its just they are such dummies they dont see they are destroying their own dirty image, image of satan their father, thats what Jesus said about them Synagog of Satan human devils.
