Bibi: College Protests Are '1930's Germany'

When you see a foreign Prime Crime Minister like Shaytanyaboo interfering directly in the domestic affairs of another country like this you know his own country is in deep trouble, I think he knows he has lost the hearts and minds of so many too many and also the future war for his own regimes existence and the Zionist project when his own young Jewish people mainly outside the Zionist entity have turned against the Zionist movement and not to forget there are more Jews leaving the Zionist entity than moving in also on top of everything else, without the corrupt so called elites the Zionist movement is nothing absolutely nothing and this will also change in the near future and in the absolute end it will end up with a liberated Holy Land and those Zionists left will be shipped out with no country having them, they will be forced to live out their lives in the cold artics somewhere, this is the end picture of these human devils.
