Best explanation so far about who Dhul Qarnayn was, you wont find it among Arab scholars or internet sheikhs because they dont want to give Persians any credit for anything so they leave this theory out which is the most plausible but oddly they do offer the theory of Alexander the Great which is absolutely ridiculous which they admit themselves, its also too bad the Mongols destroyed and burnt down everything in their paths like liberties of Persia which were the greatest of that time, just imagine if we had access to those books now, history would look much different today, but I will agree Cyrus the Great was most properly King Dhul Qarnayn and if you look at the borders of old Persia and Khazaria in Caucasus it matches the description perfectly, and historically speaking there werent many Kings in our couple of thousands of years hyman history on this planet who had that kind of vast emprise from east to west either from that area, it was Cyrus the Great and Alexander the Great, its either one of these two and we know Alexander the Great was no man of God to speak of, he was a pegan, Cyrus the Great was also mention in the Bible as a holyman a Believer a prophet doing the Lords will, so it boils down to just one man left, Cyrus the Great, but dont tell that to the Arabs, they will reject it.
