Evangelical DEMANDS War With Iran To Usher In End Times | The Kyle Kulin...

I have much still to say about these Zionist Synagog of Satan Gog and Magog Zionist controlled Evangelicals, let us not lose our minds by their arguments and the contradicting irony of it, they say Israel must be protected by all means and the Jews in it (till) they are killed in the war of Armageddon, lets keep them alive till then, and let us hasten the war by egging on both groups till they kill each other, so according to these Evangelicals the Jews of Israel are like caged rabbits where you feed them fat till time of slaughter, what they also mean is, the Jews are the chosen people will they get scarified for their own salvation, thats what God made them His chosen sacrificial people to save these Evangelicals, thats the purpose of the Jews to be kept alive for, thats how twisted their minds are.
Listen friends, this is the way I see it, you can have another opinion on what I am about to say, in my opinion all clerics preaching the words of God has to be its must they must be anti establishment, meaning they must all oppose politicians not going hand in hand with them, the reason is, all politicians all leaders go against the recommendations from the words of the Creator, this is simply the truth, tell me one world leader or any politicians who havent done that and is not doing that and is not doing that on every legislation they have presented or voted for, its even worse with world leaders, they have people murdered every single one of them, they are corrupt as the Devil himself, they have enslaved their subjects with usury waged wars having hundreds of thousands brainwashed people fighting their wars and die for them, and I can go on and on, I know there are some out there saying I am a fool for not forging alliances with some of these leaders, to you I say, thank God I am not like you, I know better, I know my Creator your Creator with the advise sent down to us warned us about collaborating with these criminals, I trust His words and promises over what any of these leaders can offer which they always break in the end anyway, my Lord doesnt break His promises, so thats that, now going back to these self appointed corrupt greedy clerics who put their support behind these politicians and leaders, these warmongers these bloodthirsty greedy self serving in this case pastor Hage just listen to his arguments, not only is he deliberately lying to those idiots in that hall cheering him up not only is he misleading them with disinformation these morons seems to like it and I will tell you why they like it, because their souls are just as corrupt, they dont want to get reminded of what Jesus taught, not to kill not to steel not to cheat not to spread lies not to conspire because their whole ideology is based on conspiring to have people murdered for their own end goal, they are indeed themselves the Synagog of Satan, this is true, Zionism is the political party of Synagog of Satan, they are followers of Gog and Magog themselves, I showed you in the video I posted, Persia under King Cyrus the Great he was the one created the barrier in the Caucasus to shield those people from the tribe of Gog and Magog, now these Evangelicals have turned it around and say Iran is the tribe of Gog and Magog, I am not cheering for the Iranian mulla regime, because we dont know what the future will bring about, what I am telling you is, Iran is NOT the tribe of Gog and Magog, the Khazars are, the Ashkenazis who created Zionism are that tribe which Hage is a spokesman of, this is the truth of it, and now as you know they want to bring about WW3 and have everyone killed because their higher ups are in fact Luciferians the Synagog of Satan, and another thing, how arrogant do you have to be as a Zionist Jew or as these Evangelicals to hasten anything God have already promised, its like saying, we dont trust in your timeline God we dont trust your wisdom we want it right now !! because thats what you are seeing from some of these Zionist rabbis jumping up and down like a bunch of monkeys together with these Evangelicals yelling, we want the messiah now, meaning bring about Armageddon start bloodshed have these others killed now because we think you are too late with your promise, how twisted of a mind do you have to carry around to order the Lord to hasten anything you human devils, thats what these people are, thats another point, I am telling you if you are part of any of these cults, RUN away from them ASAP, dont think dont look back just run away from these lunatics so that God can assist you with your next steps in life, these idiots will lose they are among the losers they are out of their minds they are not favored by God on the contrary, these Zionists are the Synagog of Satan, another advise I made in the beginning, STOP supporting any of your elected selected leaders and clergymen who are supporting these corrupt leaders, no wise sane clergymen would have anything to do with the state, if you are able to understand this then you are on the right path, because the state has hired these unholy institutions of so called faith to give these leaders legitimacy to keep on corrupting the world, the path to salvation is NOT through any of these manmade institutions and their leaders its by your own deeds, you decide with your intellectual abilities where you will end up at, thats how the Lord will judge you on the Day of Judgment, you are in control of your own life and your fate so stop following these corrupt cult leaders especially Hage, he is one evil piece of work.
