Evidence of torture, executions, and people buried alive found in Gaza m...

Do you need more evidence that the Zionist Israeli Jews are indeed the children of Satan than this, than that again than this again and for how long will these Zionist human devils be allowed to desecrate all forms of what is good, I know some of you name call me but I am a realist when I say these people must be wiped out, thrown into the sea as sharkfood, for how long do I have to say EU is an institution of Synagog of Satan, you have seen their parliament building in Bryssel in the shape of unfinished Tower of Babel, they are advertising who and for what purpose they are here for, to corrupt the whole world, to establish a Luciferian New World Order which we already are living under, these people in the US and the EU will continue feeding their little beat in the Holy Land and rest assured, their greed is not confined with the Holy Land, they have the whole planet in their aim, they are on purpose creating conflicts everywhere to wear you down to accept them as your saviors when they present their plans to introduce to you how to get you out of what they have created, this is their grand plans, trust me there are no good guys in any governments anywhere, no good leaders in charge of nations you are a fool to put your trust in any of them, look I am gonna tell you something that happened when I was in Russia, the second day me being there they brought this MILF rather nice which I have already talked about if you follow what I am telling you all, on the third or fourth day, they brought me a catalogue of prostitutes for me to choose from, not kidding 100% true, listen I know some of you anti war journalists activists out there have been in Russia too, I dont know what you did there yourselves, perhaps you were offered things too which you are not talking about perhaps not, but if you were not you know they did not do so because they thought they would have another use of you, they miscalculated me at least because as soon as they brought me that catalogue I thought to myself, Putin is such a pimp, Putin the Pimp, thats what he is in my eyes now, nowhere I have visited have they miscalculated me to this extend as of in Russia and that says alot trust me, so if you think this is a battle between the bad guys vs the good guys and Russia is part of the good side, you are not only naive you have been mislead gravely, my experiences dealing with government people and especially their intelligence people has convinced me they are all of the same stock, they are all agent Smiths, all of them, also meaning they all work for the same end goal, and if you think these Smiths will or are able to bring about something good, you are far away of knowing what being good is, a corrupt soul can only bring more chaos and corruption as another at best another copy of itself, and I mean at best, I think its worse than that, IZ think by each generation this copy will be more corrupt than the copy before it, you can see it for yourselves if you use your eyes to see more than offered from them from different angles, so what does leave us leave mankind because these are all human devils, this in my view leaves nothing but distrust in the words out of their filthy mouths, nothing but that, it also leave us never to trust in their institutions they have created to rule over us, in my eyes not only must they all be defeated and destroyed but also everything they have created and built, the whole damn System but be brought down stone by stone no leave nothing left behind, like any cancer 110% of it has to be removed to save the rest of the human body, dont be naive folks there is no other way, its not just about whats going on in the Holy Land, the whole planetary corrupt system must be brought down, you might think its a pipedream but I am telling you, it can be done, if you raise your voice little by little if we stand united it will be done, it has to be done or there is nothing left of humanity but these human devils in suits ruin the whole planet, think about what I have said, think about it hard I hope you finally come to the same conclusion I have, these mass graves are not the first ones found, there are millions of these mass graves all around the world made by these human devils, speak the truth, pray to God and trust in Him saving us all, but you have to reach out to be reached isnt that true, so reach out perhaps He will answer our prayers to have this Evil defeated once and for all, Amen. 
