GWU student sends message to Biden: 'Israel isn't going anywhere'

4:38 look how these lying despicable Zionists make a clear message on this poster you see here from highlighting the genocide of the Zionist Israelis instead into Palestinians looking to genocide the Israelis, they do this because they have nothing else to lie about anymore, this is how desperate they are getting, this the whole world has to see and reestablish the fact that these Zionists Israelis are indeed the lying genocidal criminals warned in the Bible by Jesus himself, they go to these demonstrations to provoke a reaction and when they dont get what they seek plan B is to take messages on posters and reverse the message to fit their propaganda and these idiots think people are dumb they dont see how the masses are seeing right through their ugly and dark souls for what they really are so let them keep on lying, they are getting exposed. 
