He Says Child Marriages Should Be Brought Back!?! | Daniel Haqiqatjou

Look we have a problem with these people just like the Jews and Christians have problems with some of theirs, with the Muslim NOT Islam ! because Islam is the Holy Quran and we have all kinds of Muslims following other teachings beside the Quran with their man made books, in those man made books like the Hadiths and the Talmud perhaps 10% are wise words the rest you can throw in the garbage, because its written by men, look these are the same people who also believe for both men and female if they blow up themselves and kill innocent people they get 72 virgins in Paradise, females too ! in heavens their females will have 72 virgin men all for themselves, they are absolutely insane, they also say say these five prayers and God will forgive all your sins, I mean they say all kinds of crazy things, another thing is child marriages, the problem with these kind of Muslims if you can call them that is the same problem with the Jews and Christians and I will explain more, if you go to these Jewish rabbis and their schools they rarely teach from the Torah, 95% of the time they study their Talmud man made ! same thing with the Christian churches, all you hear there is Paul Paul Paul, which has nothing to do with the Gospels, Constantine added that in the collection and now all the Christian clergymen do is talk about this Paul character which have place in any scriptures, Paul is like the Talmud for the Jews as the Hadiths are for the Muslims, mostly nonsense, so I advise the jews the Christians and the Muslims to only focus on their original books and leave the rest aside because then you get what you see here with these morons, but unfortunately in the case of the Muslims like the Jews and the Christians if you go to these mosques all you hear is from these Hadiths and rarely the Quran itself, and the thing is all these man made books contradicts their original holy scriptures so what this idiot say nobody should pay attention to, if he want to marry his own daughter to a 70 year old pedophile let him do that and let the law deal with him thereafter because these people are sick absolutely disgusting they dont represent Mohammad just as Paul didnt represent Jesus just as the Talmud do not represent Moses may peace and blessings be upon them all.
