He Says Iranians Are Pro-Israel and WANT Israel To Strike Iran

This guy delusional for real, I know these people very well, they have such hate for people of faith that they have allowed themselves to turn off all manners of sense and logic just to go out and smash everything that have to do with faith in God, they are like extreme communist used to run Russia where if you even had the "picture"of Jesus they would take out and shoot you in the head outside your home, this guy is no different trust me on this, and when he say the "vast majority" of the Iranians are pro Israel I mean c mon, I told you he is blinded by hate so he will spew all kinds of nonsense, look I can tell you and I always speak the truth and factual, sure 85% of the Iranians are anti regime but Iranians are no simpletons, they know whats lurking behind even the shadows with the plans these Zionists have for Iran like they have for so many countries like what they did with Ukraine, I am telling you 95% of the Iranians are not that naive like the Ukrainians are they rather keep the regime than turning Iran into another Ukraine, Iranians have had experiences with this kind of plots against them, they if something had to happen has to be organic or nothing else but this asshole you see, he is of the very rare minority acting up misrepresenting the situation, he is irrelevant with his views he is a joke frankly and you call that evidence with what he presented with some graffiti on a building any Zionist agents in Iran could have written and then run for his life, and he said he will present his evidence from one upwards, the father up he went the more ridiculous he became, here is what I believe will happen in the future, the Iranian regime WILL outlast the Zionist entity, mark my words on this, first the Zionist entity will be defeated the way I have explained so many time then the Iranian one will slowly dissolve to something else, you need to understand something here, all these regimes in the Middle East are a reaction to the Zionist entity, with the Synagog of Satan wiped out, we will finally have stability not only in the region but world peace, peace in the Holy Land is world peace as I have explained so many times, no peace in the Holy Land will keep these people of Gog and Magog the Luciferian still in power everywhere in all countries, so the source of all human suffering is this Zionist movement which this monkey ass bitch is supporting, and if you think the Lord will favor likes of this little punk you are just as of a dummy like he is, dont pay attention to him, focus on what I am saying instead this is how it will play out.
