I Got Baptised!

I am happy Russell found faith and I do NOT mean to be offencive towards any of my Christian friends, as you know me I am always trying to be factual about things, peaking the truth NOTHING but the truth so help us God is what we believe in right ??
So lets go back to the world of facts for a while, this with our Christian friends keep repeating the suffering of Jesus as if no other prophets and messengers suffered more, in fact much more, I would argue with Scriptural facts that Jesus if you believe he was a god or a messenger of God put that aside for a minute, I will in fact argue its not even an argument its fact that he bears the title of suffering least than any before or after him, he only suffered for a few hours and thats it, just for a few hours, not even a whole day, I will explain why again its all Scriptural not my own stories its in the Bible my good Christian friends, ok lets talk what we know about Jesus, we know his mother was the first and only woman who was allowed to live in the Temple, the rabbis didnt allow any females to even enter the Temple but Mary was allowed, I am not going into the story how that happened if you are a Christian not just by name but an educated one you know the story, I hope, Mary got pregnant as a teenager and gave birth to Jesus, what we also know Jesus also as a kid was allowed to be inside the Temple like his mother, no one else were allowed, Mary and Jesus were like celebrities in the Holy Land everyone knew them, we also know Jesus like his mother used to argue about religious matters with the rabbis who didnt like when someone else knew about the Torah better than they did but they couldnt kick them out because both mother and son were not talking nonsense in their arguments with the corrupt rabbis of the Temple, from what we also know Jesus had a day job for living, he manufactured things for his consumers, time went by with the whole place knowing of this family they lived a good life till the absolute end when the rabbis after 33 years couldnt deal with him anymore because he is not a kid anymore, he is a grown up man challenging the corrupt establishment to the point that they got afraid of him and his followers so they conspired to deal with him once and for all, and also from what we know it took less than a day from trial to what some believe happened to have him on the cross, this much we know about the man and his life story, you Christians should be proud that God showed this man so much mercy for him NOT to suffer as those before and after him, God was extra merciful towards Jesus, He never had him suffer much, sure every man of God has to suffer, this is the deal, but Jesus he got a get out of the jail free card from the Lord unlike others, this is what the followers of Jesus should celebrate instead of the opposite of what happened to him according to you, another thing, which of the prophets and messengers in history are you aware of except those messengers who were the highest authorities themselves like being kings who were not standing up against the state of that time and the politicians, well I can tell you, 100% of the messengers and prophets were against all kinds of states and state leaders, you wont find one who willingly collaborated with the establishment not one, so how come all your religious leaders whether they are Jewish Christians or Muslims basically all of these religious institutions are begging to lick the behinds of the politicians and their state leaders, I say something is fundamentally wrong here, none of the messengers and the prophets of God had anything to do with any institution whatsoever, it was a big no no for all of them, they were doing their own thing outside those government institutions so you see you are not following in the steps of those who you say you do, because you are ignorant you dont know them as you think you do instead with what you do you are aiding these corrupt unholy institutions who have brainwashed you to repeat their lines not the lines of those who you say you love, you dont love Jesus you love the image of someone else, this will be clear to you when you meet him on the Day of Judgment if not you meet him here sooner, he is not how you think he is but who am I to say. 
