"I'm Frightened Of My Peers" | Debate On Israel-Hamas Protests

These Zionist jews would not even have anyone learn about how many innocent civilians their terrorist organization IDF have massacred without interrupting and yelling like rats they are but shed crocodile tears and lying about getting stabbed in the eye, that eye healed quickly after a "stabbing" I mean these ugly lying human devils are the worst thing ever walked this earth, it just has to be, they are so used to lying they dont give a damn anymore, I mean who would believe this ugly bitch with that story of getting stabbed in the eye, her fucking eye is perfectly ok not a bruise no marks of any kind except two ugly eyes on a very ugly face but now she is all over the Zionist mainstream media lying about what happened to her, this is what we are right now, they murder tens of thousands then come on air and pretending being victims themselves, no wonder people all around the world hates them.
