Iran issues warning to US after Israel attack

First of all 'royal highness' my ass, so lets start there before anything, he is a nobody, he thinks going to the Zionist entity before their mainstream media will get him followers in Iran, idiot, second of all, say what you want about the regime in Iran, what I can assure you all, nobody likes Israel in Iran, you couldnt find ten Zionist supporters in Iran to gather and demonstrate in favor of that Synagog of Satan regime, so "his royal punkness" is lying, the Iranian regime dont have to threaten anyone not to demonstrate for Israel, he is full of shit, thirdly, sure his father still has supporters in Iran especially his grandfather was very well liked but this ugly duck, nobody likes him this has to be clear for all not because he is just ugly and visits Israel and talk shit, a few years ago a tape came out with him saying he wasnt aware he was filmed to leave him alone with all this politics thing, thats what he said, this ugly duck is a lazy spoiled shithead, he likes his lifestyle with no responsibilities where he can go and come as he wants, sure because many think his ass is a prince or whatever he need to poop up now and then and talk crap so that he has shown his very ugly face to stay relatively relevant other than that fuck him and all those like him, especially him, he is a mommys boy, trust me I know.
