Israel-Gaza war continues to fuel protests and division in US, France an...

If Al Sharpton was any of man of God he surely would know the clear commandment with respect to the Holy Land when He said ' Do NOT divide up My land ' (the Holy Land) but Al is no man of God, he is a politician who sold out his soul to become what he has now become, I dont believe in the so called original sin, I believe all men were created sinless, pure as children are but along the way many leave behind what once was pure to become what Al is now, I urge you all there to learn not to become like Al Sharpton, none of us are pure anymore but we can chose to stay good, this is what God require of us and also to improve on daily basis, out of His supreme mercy He will purify us before he allows us to enter Paradise but here, we have work to do so keep up the good works like what you are doing.
