Israel missile strike near Iran nuclear facility fuels fears of escalati...

With this massive failure by the Zionist regime to actually attack Iran then go to brainwash their own with this kind of fake news is a clear indication that they not only are toothless cowards but kings of fake news as well which we all knew they were, if you call this face saving go ahead you pathetic loser have it, its not like they dared attack with a massive barrage of ordinance from their own soil towards Iran or anything, getting three four RC toys to get shot down right after is the best kind of face saving they were able to pull off, ok good for you pussies, because they know if they had done something slightly larger than that they would have had fifty ballistics incoming their way, thats whatsup, so in my count Iran won this round too, in fact Iran made the whole freeworld except couple of friendly dictatorships win with this move, a win is a win in my book this is a cause for celebration worldwide, this day have gone in history for Iran teaching the Zionist entity a nice lesson, this is historic folks again we should celebrate this day to the Judgment Day comes, I am gonna get married on this historic day some day.
