Israel vows to "exact a price" after Iran attack, Biden says U.S. will n...

0:37 anyone who knows anything about explosives can see that crater is NOT from a ballistic missile, its facked !! its an explosive from 30-50kg not a 2000 pound warhead diving at hypersonic speeds towards the ground, its FAKED !! i think the Israelis picked a deserted place blew up two 20 kg mortars and faked the whole thing, something is not adding up here folks, something is seriously wrong with this whole narrative I am telling you, from the 99% of the 300 projectile thing to the footages from Iran we have seen, from the skies over Israel to the two footages of downed liquid rockets one singular engine to another fuel tank and now to this bs, c mon who are you all trying to fool, this is bullshit, this whole thing was made for show and you folks are taking this seriously its not, I dont believe the official story of any of it that much is for damn sure, you believe what you want I on the other hand I see something else here, its not adding up, its staged !! 
