Israeli Prime Minister Admits Jews Didn't Originally Come From Israel

For Kim who say she went to Bible school this shouldnt come as a surprise that the Hebrews NOT Jews the term Jews came thousand years after this 3300 years referred to in this clip, the 3300 years refers to when Prophet Abraham was told to leave todays Iraq to move to Cannan also known as Palestine which the Romans renamed the Holy Land, this is what Benet is talking about, thats not the point we on this side are pointing to, I am pointing to a relatively recent event when the Ashkenazis from Khazaria converted to Judaism and think God gave the Holy Land to these now European white people which are NOT Semites not Jews no Hebrews, a different race understand ??  this is the issue right now, also which were foretold by Jesus when he warned us about there will come a race who are not Jews but will claim so they are liars and from the Synagog of Satan which the Khazarians were before they converted to Judaism because they were not only pegans before but also devil worshipers, Khazaria is also the land of Gog and Magog also warned in the Bible and in the Holy Quran, all these scriptures point to the land of Khazaria north west of Caspian Sea, but Benet leave that part out in his little deceptive speech, I say it again, the Ashkenazis are not Jews they are not Semites they are not Hebrews !! now if you as an Ashkenazi want to practice Judaism good for you but you should also follow the Bible correctly which the True Torah anti Zionist "Jews" are practicing, its all fine but you are NOT entitled to Holy Land, but if you are a God fearing Ashkenazi or even a secular polite Ashkenazi when the Holy Land has been liberated you are all welcome to chill there like nice neighbors we know you are no problemo just play the demo we all like to hear, for the Synagog of Satan, you will become sharkfood baby now how do you like that, you will be if you are lucky kicked out the way you came in and I promise you, at that time no one will want to have you in their land because who would want to have the cancer from Synagog of Satan corrupting their land, no one, you are looking at lost at sea, sharkfood :)
