Israelis: Are you excited about the red heifer?

Isnt that funny that basically no one outside the Zionist entity cares about these matters except some Evangelical Christians and I said some because the more enlightened Evangelicals especially their youth and under 40 are in fact seeing the truth of this madness of what their seniors are all about with some aspects of their ideology like ( lets fatten these Jews up keep them safe  till the time of slaughter then conspire to have them all killed or converted so we can get saved) this is of course so twisted anyone with a sane mind can see through how crazy it is, and the younger ones, once born pure and yet not polluted with this nonsense more well informed are turning against their seniors on this matter and siding with the family of the sane rejecting it all, so the future looks not so good which we all know its a good thing, the Israelis most nonbelievers in any of it anyway not only are not aware of what they have found themselves in what grave danger they also do not care what some of these Evangelicals and some of their own crazy ones are soon bringing about to them, its a sad thing its like instead of worshiping the one God they have turned to worship their government and the corrupt evil politicians down the hill to destruction, isnt this the Jewish throughout their history anyway, of course it is, they make the same mistake over and over again and when we come to warn them of the danger lying ahead most of them think we are the enemy which is the opposite but who is going to get through their thick heads, I dont know it remains to be seen.
