Krystal and Saagar HEATED Debate On Campus Gaza Protests

What Sagar dont seems to recall comparing the anti war Vietnam activists to these new bread of anti Zionist activists is the old times didnt have access to the Internet, comparing the numbers of activists from 5 years ago to the massive numbers of today cannot be compared at all, we are more than enough to swing elections either way and this is why politicians are nervous now like never before, for each year the age of our activists are getting younger and younger in ten years you will have a sea change something the activists of 50 years ago couldnt dream about, I dont think it will take even ten years, five more years and Zionism is down in the drain, give or take, while we plan so do the Synagog of Satan, they are not that dumb but dumb enough to know they have already lost the battle for the generations to come, they are a dying breed, despair God said is an actual sin for good reason so do not despair we are winning the youth and these young people are growing formidable so are our young ones about to become the next gen youth, why despair when we are winning, every new day is a new victory. 
