Muslim Scholar Says “Slavery Isn’t Immoral” | Daniel Haqiqatjou

First of all he is not a scholar but a young Internet not even a sheikh but lets say that because thats what I call these, these young Salafis which he most likely is, they go to Arabia get brainwashed by the main Salafis there then come back go on Internet make themselves a following and spread the nonsense they have been programmed with like what you hear here, I am going to correct this moron he is very confused between what slavery means which these Salafis are so fund of using this word slave and POW, there is a difference between being a POW and a slave, yes back then after winning a war they took POWs, you have three choices how to deal with POWs, you either kill them execute them or  release them which never happened not even today or to imprisoned them also meaning enslave them force them work themselves to death basically, so what did Prophet Mohammad did with POWs, he gave them a choice, you either make up for the harm you have caused because remember, Prophet never ever instigated any wars, his enemies always went to him with an army not the other way around, they brought hostilities to him, so as it was when he won that conflict there were POWs, so he gave them a choice, you either make up for the harm you have caused like if you are literate you must teach ten of his people how to read and write and you are free, he never enslaved anyone he in fact freed slaves from bondage but because the Arabs of Arabia and Emirates till today have this thing to have servants wiping their asses because they are too lazy to even work for a living, they are teaching these young idiots things from this one, these I have always warned to stay away from these internet sheikhs dont pay attention to them to click on their videos just stay away from them as far as you can because you will get mislead, at the same time stay equally away from the Shia channels as well, just stay away from all of it, just read the Holy Quran for yourself dont mind any Hadiths either you dont need any of it, Just the Holy Quran thats all you need, God said He had made this religion easy for you, getting involved with these people I just mention only make things more complicated which leads to people like this one in the clip, stay away from all I mentioned keep it simple and there will be no misunderstandings and you be alright.
These morons pisses me off.
