Phil Giraldi : Israel Has Biden Trapped

16:57 rest assured he is speaking like a true Zionist he is actually truthful in that statement 'a Palestinian state lies in Gaza' mening forget about even 1967 borders, I am not satisfied with that, I want go back to before 1948 in fact if I could invade Khazaria I would, so you see when these Zionist Atheists Jews Christians and Arab and some Muslim leaders mention a two state solution, Gaza is the best you in your imagination you are gonna get from them, in the best case scenario you are screwed thats what they mean all of them, so my friends it all goes back to my proposal, no negotiations around the Holy Land the Synagog of Satan need to be turn into sharkfood, thats the best case scenario we need to offer them in return, sharkfood, damn those sharks gonna feast but its ok they gonna clean up all the filth in the sea so thats alright, I am feasting on noodles right now :)
