Reaction to Iran vs Israel Conflict

OMG he and his "i lived in Iran for 11 years, now i have seen it all" he keeps repeating it before he starts his constant anti Iranian and pro Israel arguments, let me tell you all readers something, I also lived in Iran as a kid unlike Patrick I went back several times and got basically fucked by the regime, as I have written about, so I have more beef with the regime than this guy ever could alright but I am honest too unlike this pro Israel moron, Patrick is trying to make it sound like its unsafe for non Muslims living in Iran which is absolutely incorrect, say what you want about the regime what they do not do is messing with your religion like Patrick is making it sound, its just not happening, Jews and Christians have more rights than Muslim Iranians in Iran, like nobody would bother them with drinking booz over there, in fact in all Jewish and Christian homes in their basements they all have alcohol distilleries, they have parties and all and nobody is bothering them, they can go to their churches or synagogs, and I can tell you something else about Iran and also most Arab countries, its bad manners to even ask someone what religion they belong to, if you dont believe me ask a Palestinian Christian or a Lebanese Christian or any other Jew a real one not Ashkenazi one but a Jew from the Middle East or a Christian if what I am telling you here is true or not, I am telling you its bad manners to ask this question, the reason is we have evolved away from this kind of issues long ago but Patrick who wants to stay close to his Zionist handlers because trust me if you have noticed most of these podcasters do have for some reason a Zionist Ashkenazi sitting next to them like Adam in Patricks case to keep him in line, to keep an eye on him and to make him repeat Zionist narrative over the airwaves, this is the truth about most of these podcasters, they all have a Zionist Ashkenazi sitting next to them, I dont want to name names but its there for all to see, thats the problem I have with Patrick, that piece of shit is making the Iranian culture and its people look bad, his job is to make Islam look bad the faith of two billion people including my own while he is deliberately ignorant about the facts, lying and twisting the truth is what he does and he say he is a real Godfearing person, its a joke for those who know better, like when he criticize the regime in Iran while celebrating the old Shah as an angel send by God, when he doesnt talk about the Shahs sister being given the authority by the Shah to over see the heroin trade from Afghanistan to the west, he doesnt talk about the guilt of Shah or how he tortured Iranians in the tens of thousands in dungeons in the most brutal way and all the other reasons why all Iranians from all walks of life united to kick him out, and this Shah is the hero of this lying hypocrite Patrick, I am telling you Patrick is biased and not trustworthy when it comes to these subjects he is just not, I on the other hand lived and grew up with Armenian Iranians in Tehran, I lived in an Armenian Iranian neighborhood called Majidie, Iranians know they are all Armenian Iranians there, we had a two story house where we rented out the ground floor to an Armenian Iranian old couple and they used to babysit me, I know Armenian Iranians better than this idiot he is full of shit, look friends I hope you know by now, I dont hide my facts, what you see is what you get and one thing I hate most are liars and hypocrites so I want you to trust me when I say Patrick is both those categories when it comes to "i lived in Iran as a kid now i know everything" he doesnt know shit, a kid in Iran is like being a kid anywhere else, a careless child fucking around like all other kids do as kids thats all, fuck him.  
