Religious Jews support CCNY students at an encampment

The satanic Zionist entity do not represent the real Torah Jews but only the Synagog of Zionist Satan, Zionism is the political party of Satan the Devil and any good person need to distance themselves from this evil political movement which has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible this has to be clear like this good rabbi is explaining and done so for a very long time and if you want to learn the truth you need to listen to these rabbis who know the Bible better then perhaps you do, so listen to these guys they are making the issue easy for you to understand, Zionism is anti Scripture you will have no place in the heaven if you support this evil and wicked ideology, I am trying to be your friend as this rabbi and so many spending so much time to get the message across to you, if you truly want to serve Jesus reject this anti Scripture Zionist movement and stand with those from different faiths yet the same, you can be part of this great Movement if you are a truthseeker in search of what is good for all and not just for a tiny crazy most corrupt minority, the choice is up to you what path you want to take and be part of.
