Should I Adopt Palestinian Orphan from Gaza?

I am not gonna be like many of these internet imams when they spread nonsense like, say these five prayers a day and God will guarantee you paradise, thats not how it works, but I can say if you adopt an orphan kid who doesnt have any blood relative, God will reward you with forgive some of your sins, and if you have lived a relative sin free life but still have been a bad boy  or a bad girl in your youth I am sure He will have extra mercy on you on the Day of Judgment, this much I can say I think but God knows best, He also have said saving one life is like saving all of humanity and He is most extra merciful and the best Judge there is, so yes if you can adopt one of these children if they have no blood relative left, for the rest, we need more future Resistance fighters :) look its nothing controversial about it, the Zionist Synagog of Satan teaches their children in Israel to grow up and bury Palestinians alive in mass graves, the survivors have all the rights to avenge their lost love ones, thats what I would have done, you kill my parents, I am not gonna rest till I skinn you alive when I get my hands on you, an eye for an eye is the best form of justice, fuck around and find out.
