Striking Iran's nuclear facilities 'on the table', says ex-Mossad official

You know what all Iranians are doing now ? having a good time drinking tea and eating baghlawa and laughing I need to add because you are such an old bitch without teeths thats what you are, you have lost the media war the only ones you have still behind you are not the people of the world but a few of their corrupt leaders and these leaders are digging their own graves by bending and shilling for you, they are only weakening their own positions and their parties with this senseless move, these leaders need to know they have taken the losing party here with their support for the Zionist movement but as usual bullshit takes aside when money talks but for how long is the question because pressure is building up as you can see, the day will come and its soon when the hardiest of folks will give up your Zionists ratholes where you are hiding in, because you are such a bitch so sit there acting relax all you want when deep down you know you have lost it, you have lost the war again because you are such a bitch, I dont have baghlawa here but I am going to make myself a nice cup of tea enjoying watching your face which is full of fear and despair. 
