Tucker: UFOS Are 'Supernatural' Not Alien

I have written about the origin story of the human race on this planet before, I'll to keep it short for this one, this planet is sort of a prison planet known throughout the universe, people and by people I mean the aliens know about the story of this planet therefore they have an interest of whats going on here, before our race 7-8 thousand years ago was created and sent down here there where other humanoids also created by the Creator roaming around like us, they had some other kind of technology to get around, they evolved in their technology like us and at the end of their time before God wiped them out they had become arrogant like we have become, we in our conduct towards each other is a mirror image of them, same story thats how you can look at it so the creator wiped them off, then this planet stood there without an intelligent lifeform for some time, the Creator then took monkey DNA and created Adam this other intelligent life form, what differed Adam from all other intelligent lifeforms throughout the universe was that the Creator had some part of His own soul in this with all due respect so called new humanoid, the story got around the universe that God had created a totally new intelligent being with His own soul unlike themselves meaning the aliens and the other beings in other dimensions, now these aliens are interested in watching what the fate of us will be, like those before us or something else, because we are unique in that sense, those humanoids before us were intelligent like we are, they knew their time was up too that God is about to wipe them off so they created the pyramids as a sign for us to say they were here before us, this planet is like a cosmic reality show where the whole universe is watching so they have the aliens have sent their reporters to broadcast the show back home and they know not to interfere or get punished by those guarding the planet meaning the angels and other good aliens, thats what the deal is, in this reality show there are those from other dimensions as I said which some of them are not that welcoming they dont like our race they dont like any of it, the captain of them we call Eblis or Satan, they were here before us too, we are the late comers just a few thousands of years ago, I have seen as I have explained to you things not made by us but something else, I would say some of them were not spiritual but more known as technology not made by us, so its not that they are only spiritual beings, there are those from other planets throughout the universe too, both things are right, the point is, we are NOT alone and I think we all going to find out soon, and if there will be an interview, I am taking Tucker with me.
