Unhinged Evangelical Pastor Ranting About War in Israel

C mon Cenk dont make fun of Scripture, the story of Gog and Magog is real, its tribe not from Russia but from Caucasus the area around the Caspian Sea more commonly known as the Khazar empire where the Ashkenazis are from originally, make all the fun of the interpretation of pastor John Hage, is a stooge of the tribe of Gog and Magog himself, look Scriptures described this tribe as absolutely lunatics crazy people who will at the end times mess up the whole planet as you can see, you have to admit thats what they are doing, as Scriptures warned us about, and Jesus also warned us about them that there will come those who will say they are Jews but not they are the Synagog of Satan, like pastor John Hage is, he is also a proud member of Synagog of Satan.
