We are already in World War 3

The reason some of the commentators at Aljazeera tried to spin the argument to say this Iranian attack against the Zionist entity will draw away attention from whats going on in Gaza is of selfish Arab nationalistic reason, this flaw is within all ethnicities with some minorities in all groups, they dont want to recognize other peoples rights but their own, but if you ask the Palestinians over all I am sure they were happy with the response the Zionists received by getting attacked on their own soil , also I didnt or havent seen any Arab regimes be of any good with regard to how the Arab Palestinians are being murdered on daily basis instead these regimes helped the Zionists shoot down incoming Iranian drones, you rarely hear these commentators ever go after these fellow Arab regimes and thats the state we are in right now and thats why the Zionists are taking advantage of the situation, unless we do something about it that is because this cannot be allowed to continue the way it is, here we have two Ashkenazi Jews honorable ones both worth all these Arab regimes and their leaders and these commentators by millions honest to God.
