Alex Jones Sees Something in King Charles Portrait That No One Else Sees

If you only use one eye to look at the bloody demonic picture of Charly Boy who murdered Princess Diana you wont see the whole picture, you need to use both your eyes and remember what you already know about the House of Windord, they are Luciferians make no mistake of that, his father was a pedophile had no interest in Elizabeth other than poop out the baboon like offsprings you see here then go back to play around with little boys, same thing with Charly Boy himself his brother and his offspring Willian think about it, what kind of bastard do you have to be to live next to someone who murdered your mother, thats all I need to know what that spineless prick, look if this is the kind of paintings they present for the public of him just imagine what other demonic paintings of him he has received in private.
I have good news, this disgusting family will not lost much longer, they are doomed, William will be the last head of the Winsords when his father have died of cancer.
