A big shoutout to Finland, you know why Finland is so fine with the happiest people ranked Nr1 in the world its because they have a fair system in which people have confidence in and trust, its fair for all no matter who you are under the law over there, an example of that is the fine a court issues depends on ones salary, some years ago a millionaire drove his sports car at 200 kmh and got fined something around a million dollar for it, the king of one of these Scandinavian countries did the same a few years back on public road and got fined something similar, but I have to say something here, its only if you get caught that is, sometimes like in any country things can be overlooked depending on who you are, sometimes the laws doesnt apply to everyone here I am an example of that but if it comes to light sure even royalties get the same treatment as any other citizen, well there in Sweden they dont consider me a citizen so they feel they can whatever the hell they want, but again that is because things have not come to light yet, but this is not Fineland I am talking about a country with lowest corruption index with the happiest people a country which also treat their incarcerated folks with respect, this is why I also rank Fineland an ideal country with good people, because the Fins are alright people, I hope they stay prosperous, I still think they shouldnt have joined Nato, they have a good military as it is, they were no threat to Russia and Russia couldnt invade them without nuking them first which wouldnt have happened anyway, so I think they Fins were scared to join Nato perhaps there is a little bit of corruption there too by some of their own, it would be just heartbreaking to see anything happening to Fineland, I think they should just keep the path they have been on for some time and do their Fine thing they are famous for and everything will be alright, the point of what I am making is, learn from the Finest people they have things figured out, do you hear America and others ? 

They also make just fine sailboats, I am in market for one of those babies in the future :) 

