Chinese state media releases simulation of attacks on Taiwan

I have watched I dont know how many war simulations about a potensial China Taiwan US wars from both sides, in some western analysis of the outcome they come to a standstill or with China first being able to take some beaches then be forced to pull out with both Chinese and US heavy naval losses, what all these western analysis leaves out in my view is this, ok lets say China losses a whole lot of ships mind you so would the US and Taiwanese too equal amount of losses on both sides with China not being able to take over the island, what they leave out in my view is this, how long time do you think it would take for China to within years rebuild its losses and give it another try, and how much longer time will it take with the US Pacific forces to rebuild to protect Taiwan again, that is the question, after first round Taiwan will have not much left in them so with the US Pacific fleet, it will take the US ten times more time to rebuild for another round and if other countries would take on China directly then you have WW3 on your hands with the US allies in the neighborhood I mean we are talking about nukes here you get the idea how it will end, what I think China will do after round one is to try again with Taiwan for sure, it will make them just more determined to at least finish their first objective to take over Taiwan, so no matter how you look at it, the US and its allies have more to lose much more and China less so, the question then is, is it worth it, I think Taiwan and China should talk this over among themselves to resolve this before it goes out of hand, with goodwill you can have at least have a peaceful resolution to this which can involve the whole world, I believe there will be a major war in the Middle East, you have the Russia Ukraine conflict too now involving China in the East is not a good idea at all, defusing that east Asia region from flaring up should be on everyones agenda.
