Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Ve...

I think there are alot of accusations thrown around we actually have zero correct info on, its a childish debate this, what I think happened with Covid was, they released it then the deepstaters and by deepstaters I mean not those agent Smiths employed by the Matrix, I mean the evil head of the Matrix, they released it then forced their agent Smiths which can include all your elected dear leaders and politicians around the world to pay up for expensive vaccines, another reason for it I think was these devil worshipers and this is no secret they do want a population reduction, they have tried it with wars they have tried to brainwash people not to make babies, they have tried to poison the population of the world little by little with GMO with all the crap in our foods which they dont consume themselves I have noticed personally, they have tried all kinds of poisons and this Covid did I think one of the ideas behind it was to destroy the world economy to make living so hard for people in terms of food prices to kill of those who live on two dollars a day which is a third of the world population, what I also know is we produce certain amount of antibodies naturally, injecting a huge dose of external antibodies in our bodies will make our natural production to stop producing its own, it will shut down the factory inside you because you already have too much in you, this will make you weaker when you are off the dose, this makes you reseptable for the next virus they have in plans to release in the future, I dont know if you all are aware of there are certain amount of people who anually get the flu shot, these people because they are no longer producing their own natural antibodies because of all these flu shots they get crippled if they stop taking their annual shots, I do believe the Matrix wants us sick and dependent on them, you are an absolute fool if you think otherwise, they want you sick, they dont want you healthy, all governments want their subjects dependent on them, dont think otherwise thats how it works, if they can do it they will do it, if they can make money on you they will, thats why all governments quickly started to make their own versions of the vaccines and distributed it, in Iran which people pay very little taxes they did it differently, because its a religious fascist regime who owns all companies making money of people, they distributed free vaccines too, but all of the sudden your electricity bill your water bills your gas prices went up, thats how they did it in Iran from what people have told me, in other countries they do it through taxes, so the covid scam was a money making scheme, at the same time they made peoples lives hell with higher grocery prices and all other prices this is made you poor so you dont move around too much, to keep you where you are, but if it was directly poisonous the vaccines we dont know, besides does it really matter if you think about it, the whole conspiracy which we know it was have already changed the world and your lives in the direction it was designed by the Matrix, it poisoned you in so many other ways but yes it would be a degree or two worse if it was directly poisonous, so this is what the debate should be about not these twos personal dislike of each other which the whole debate was about, this whole show was more of a distraction than anything I think not on purpose perhaps but it became one, and I love these anti vaccine people who never criticize Foxnews or Trump over absolutely anything, they only go after CNN and the rest of the mainstream as if Foxnews is not the biggest the largest mainstream out there, giving Foxnews and alike a pass like that. 
