Christian Nationalists on Trump's Jewish Children

This is what happens when ignorance runs rampage, dont get me wrong they are good people these in the video, I just think they like so many other groups around the world have closed themselves off the rest of mankind and think they are rightly guided, because they havent seen more than they have and by that dont know more than they know, but if you take your time to talk to them about things you will be surprised how open they can be, of course dont expect a radical change in any of these groups anytime soon but when I have talked to the hardcore Shia believers same with MAGA at least everyone I have met were polite forthcoming open to listen and sometimes something clicks in them but the problem is when they go back to their groups my understanding is things goes back to how it used to be, I think people find security in their groups and tend to forget what they had heard before, then I also think politics plays a huge role in how they view the world around them, this is the first commandment in the Holy Quran is to seek knowledge, not that Muslims do what they have been told but its clearly written there, again I think people tend to go back to their tribes their cultures for security for the world they dont know much about they havent seen felt to make sense to them, over all people are good but just being good doesnt prevent you to make massive mistakes, often times the bad people take advantage of the goodness of people and thats the state of the world right now, good people in the name of righteousness taken the world in prison shaken up the world, its a shame.
