Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

This is what many people dont know or talking about why Trump called Shaytanyaboo a 'son of a bitch', as you heard here and it is true, the Neocons were the architects of the so called Abraham Acords, not Trump or Kushner, one of the architects of this was Shaytanyaboo, so after Trump got out of office Shaytanyaboo took credit for it something he didnt want to do when Trump was in office to play of Trumps ego but when Trump was out of the way no more useful Shaytanyaboo spilled the beans on it and got Trump pissed of enough to call Shaytanyaboo a 'son of a bitch', its gonna be interesting now when Trump gets back in office again to see these two kiss and make up for another round of chaos and destruction, it could be the end of the beginning this one, what is most disappointing is to see people still worshiping these crooks and you wonder why mankind can never rise up from the mess they have created why things are getting worse by the day, I do from what I am seeing believe we as a species must reach the bottom end before we can rise up to create a new better world, we are not there now but we will, with these people we surely will.
