Dirty money funding mega mansions and lavish lifestyles in Dubai | Extra...

Corruption on any level especially when it comes to the drug trade is harming humanity it has to be on the absolute top level even above the military industrial complexes, because it fuels the wars the military industrial complexes makes their due then it runs into politics which the corruptible politicians aid further so the drug industry is the Nr 1 enemy of mankind therefore it should be priority Nr 1 as well to go after first before anything else, I have proposed how to take on this issue, this solution of mine doesnt apply to every country with tackling this issue, with countries with massive drug epidemics and you decide which they are, I can give you a couple exemplars, countries like the US like the Latin American countries like Iran it looks like Australia is one and others, in these countries you need the state to take over first the production of these drugs, then provide these drugs to the people in need of it with conditions, the addicts will have to register themselves as addicts to get the daily amount of drugs they need, these drug centers will be located outside town, the drug addicts will not be able to roam the city streets with the drugs on them or get high inside on the streets of town, they can get their drugs then get back home wherever they live but if they want to take it outside they have to take it outside town in special parks outside town, nice parks with security, and if they get arrested high roaming around or sleeping under bridges anywhere in town they wont get new drugs for a whole week, the idea with this solution are many, with free drugs no criminal gangs can compete with the state which is handling it all from production of clean drugs to the price of it, the criminal gangs will go out of business, no more gang violence, no more broken homes where parents have to steal money from their children to get their drugs, no more stress of that kind, no more domestic drug related violence, an addict can get their drugs still go to work being productive in some capacity, no more broken homes with parents in prisons, no more waste of your tax money which can go to better things, lower taxes, no more of your money going towards international warlords waging wars and devestations, no more refugees fleeing these places, look even the thought of the benefits from this makes me get goosebumps right now, and best of all, because there are no more drugs in society other than the state which WILL give free drugs to any fool who is not an registered addict lets say a teen who has never used heroin before, because there is no heroin for him or her to get from the streets, that young person has to go to one of these centers register himself or herself as an addict to get the heroin, but think about it, what kid who have never used lets say heroin go and do that voluntarily, I would argue a very very small number, it wont be anything like what you have today thats for sure, and none of his buddies will give him of his own daily dose, he will tell his buddy to get his own shit, so thats that, another benefit is, with so much of your tax money saved, also outside town you can provide top class rehab centers for free the best there is for those who want to quit, what all this will do that I explained is to year by year reduce the new addicts and after 10-15 years you have eradicated this evil from the face of the earth, or very close to a total clean up, something you cannot imagine you could with what you have on your hands right now, I am talking about a new world, you do want that dont you, I suspect you say you do but perhaps too distracted with other things and cannot think that far for whatever reason, one thing is for sure your leaders they are benefitting from the conspiracy pulled upon all of mankind so dont expect them to do the right thing, they will instead focus their energy calling me public enemy nr one, because they are in cahoots with these same dark characters or to afraid to actually do something about it, at best they some half measured answer to the problem which will never solve the problem, because if this is to work the whole formula has to be followed through, leaving any aspects of it behind will never get you even off the ground, you need to follow through with the plan or do nothing at all, so what is it gonna be, will you at push it for tomorrow or will you do what it takes to solve the issue once and for all, I am not even close to be hopeful you will, I am not, dont blame God for the problems we as species face, the problem is with you it has always been you no one else, now we have to bear the consequences for our own deeds so when everything falls further apart, you know who to blame.
