“Foul Play?” - Reaction to SHOCKING Death of Iranian President Raisi

people like Adam the Zionist and alike dont seems to get why many westerners support the Iranian regime and Hamas Hezbola or any of these groups, its not like these westerners love their system regime, the reason being is the fact they all strongly oppose and hate the Zionists, they see the Zionist movement as the biggest threat to humanity and when they see at least someone is fighting them of course they would go to support them politically and morally because when peoples of the world have come to see the savage corrupt evil destructive nature of the Zionists and what they have done to their own country corrupting it with all kinds of means dont act why you dont understand why these westerners even their LGBTQBMW come out in opposition of the Zionists, I dont think that the Zionists do not understand whats going on they just dont want to come in terms in what deep shit they are when the whole world is hating them and why its getting worse for them on daily basis when those who also stood with them are turning their backs on them, in Islamic prophecies we are told time will come when even stones and trees will reveal and say 'here is one hiding behind come and get them' in Islamic prophecies its not referring to Jews or Christians, it clearly state (those) Jews and Christians who have become one, and if you think about it, it is just nowadays we have this movement of Zionists because never ever in history have we had Jews and Christians befriending one another, the Christians have been killing and persecuting the Jews forever until recently, so again the prophecies are talking about a time in the future when factions of both these groups will join forces and today we know them as the Zionists, then as I explained the Prophecies will go on to say, because they will keep corrupting the land even those with hearts of stone will say i am not covering for these crazy Zionists anymore, this is what we are witnessing today, more and more people are turning their backs on these crazy lying Zionists, I hope those with previous hearts of stone become fully enlightened and repent and become better humans joining the much larger human family and leave all that hypocrisy behind themselves, once heart of stone can with light become soft washed with clean water again, tomorrow doesnt have to be hell again a new world can be built upon the ruins of the Zionists.
