I dont think anyone is above the law thats first, as I have talked about how I feel a leader a person who is willing to take upon him or herself the responsibility to run the affairs of those who put their trust in the leader should be like, I believe if you break that trust millions of people put in you if you break it for any reason you have committed the greatest sin and you should go out with a bang right in your face, because you have not just betrayed one person but millions and if you count one year in prison for each citizen you have betrayed millions of betrayals thats execution thats what you should face, in fact I also believe before you get in office the constitution should be clear and the leader should sign on paper if he or she get convicted of treason of his or her own people he or she should be executed, they need to sign that on paper before they get in office, look this is nothing strange, all these secret societies they belong to they have already committed to such agreements if they betray their fellow cult leaders and their cult the penalty is the pain of death, so I am asking who is more important for them, their country or their cult, for them its the cult for me is the country, so if they have already committed themselves to what I just explained they sure hell could do commit to the other more important part as well, but they are not going to do that of course because they are more loyal to their cult than their country and its people, so we have the other the yellow pages laws instead we all have subscribed too, naturally at least this lesser laws has to be abided to which applies to Mr Trump as well, he nor anyone else can be also above these laws, he did in fact commit crimes, his legal team approved the jury and this jury convicted him of not just one crime but 34 separate crimes, naturally there has to be consequences for it, if I can be sentenced to prison for crimes I committed so should he, he is not worth more than I am or anyone out there under Lady Justice these are the laws of the land, not even a king should be above the laws of the land, in my view it doesnt matter why the prosecution brought up these crimes now, its here now and he got convicted under fair circumstances, again he approved of the jury and they convicted him for the crimes he was accused of it couldnt be simpler and if anyone any other citizen could get prison time for any of these crimes so should he, absolutely he should no doubt about that or people will lose faith in the justice system then you have more chaos on your hands in the future, the point is no one is above the law, its an absolute no one is not one singular person under the law, there is no above the law for anyone, its the same for everyone, dont do crimes you dont do the time its simple as that.
Next should be Shaytanyaboo !!! Mussolini faced justice too everyone should.

