INTERVIEW: Vale of tears

I am gonna be straight with you Richard and Mr Galloway, I like you both for several reasons, I both know your strengths and weaknesses, I like you for your strengths for your weaknesses I have some advice for you if you want the Iranian people who are the owners of iran on your side, right now after I heard I can guarantee you 90% of these people who will eventually be the actual owners and rulers of Iran doesnt like what they are hearing from you two, when it comes to George he is an 80 year old bulldog telling him what to do other than what he is used to there is no point in that, but you Richard you are starting to sound like a politician yourself, I know you have politicians whom you have looked up to in your family and there is not much wrong in that but politicians have weaknesses, they are like gamblers they seek after higher voter outcome so they take to any means to get that thrill of seeing more and more followers subscribing to their message and that can lead to shilling for the wrong interests many times because politicians are oftentimes short sighted, I remember when I began to get subscribers, from the first moment I told them to unsubscribe or I will block them, I dont want that stress and among other things to see on my screen the increase of daily higher and higher numbers of subscribers, I have been an addict myself so when I saw that I recognized the danger of it so I told my readers, you are welcome to read but I dont want to see you subscribing or I will block you, what I do here I do not for anyone but for my conscience I dont do this for subscribers I do not do this to shill for anyone and when I say may God help us in what we do I do not mean may men help us I mean just that, men cant even help him or herself, men get easily corrupted there is no hope in men but a very few and those very few are the unseen unheard of, you dont see them you dont hear from them yet they are out there, they are certainly not politicians they are certainly not public officials you dont see these people they keep in the background because these people do not seek recognition they do not seek power because they know power attracts corruble people people can get compromised for whatever reason and the reasons are too many to mention, I say it again people in politics have weaknesses in order to get higher viewers they restrict themselves to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth because being a truthteller you will end up hurting everyones feelings something a politician knows thats not good for business so they try to be strategic in their approach and that eventually leads to making many mistakes and one of those mistakes you both are doing to disregarding the truth the whole truth when you are shilling for the corrupt evil criminals the 1% who are ruling Iran with their 10% maximum supporters, nobody claimed these demonstrators you saw in the streets were 'forced' to get out there, we claimed they were shipped in from all over Iran, if you which you havent done I am sure but if you did know better when it comes the citizens of these big cities like Tehran where you were at the time, even less than 10% of them support the regime, yes less than 10%, maybe 7% would, I have lived there, I lived in south Tehran were all the conservatives are at, and even there the conservatives dont support the regime, only the old timers old people and only some of them do, basically in Tehran you dont find anyone I didnt who had anything positive to say about their leaders, what I can assure you wouldnt find anyone from these conservatives demonstrating for any reasons, I know none of you do not speak Farsi but if you did you would see how many conservative leaders in prison right now for speaking up against their deepstaters, many mosque leaders are in jail right now for just pointing to the economical corruption of their leaders, these people didnt say anything about anything else, but naive and ignorant as both of you are you either dont want o know about these facts or you are not interested in knowing about what the Iranian people are going thought with these people and I understand why, there are a few reasons for it but before I go into that let me tell you both something I used to hear as a child from certain people which made me think, I recall I used to hear people who pretended to be true believers say, ' i rather have my kids starve to death than bringing in haram money to fill up their bellies with' I used to hear that come from I  knew were not up to the job but saying that to look more righteous before others, I used to hear that from the regime supporters say that alot, I understood what they were trying to say, I understood the meaning of it which is a noble thing to do if you really mean it but coming out of those individuals who say one thing but then a few hours show the corrupt side of themselves a few hours later this got fused in my mind till today because seeing one say one thing saying most noble words like that but then when you have left the company of those around you to go back to be an asshole I saw that alot, let me remind you readers all of you, right now the money out of Iran to support these groups like Hezbolla which is a criminal cult a drug trafficking cult, supporting the Iraqi groups supporting any of these groups, what you are doing is in my view is stealing haram money from the Iranian people to give to these corrupt criminal groups, let me also remind you of some other facts here, Iraq is the forth or fifth largest oil exporter in the world, yet the Iraqi people and I am talking about the naive innocent people of Iraq dont have electricity no clean running water they dont have basically anything to show for all the oil they export, where does that money go to ???????? have you ever asked yourselves this, why does Iran have to send billions to Iraqi Shia cult leaders like Sistani and other groups, Iraq could sustain itself many times over yet the wealth of Iran is going to Iraq of all places, its haram money, because the Iranian people are not satisfied with it and if you are a believer as you claim you know very well in any transaction BOTH parties MUST be satisfied with the deal otherwise its HARAM !!! the reason for this is, Iran is ruled by traitors to the Iranian people, its a Shia cult running the show and this cult like any other cults only care for its own higherups and these higherups are NOT loyal to Iran, they are non Iranian entities pretending to be Iranians, look at the lastnames of all these officials running Iran, barely any of them have Iranian surnames, they are all Arabs, I am not bashing Arabs here not at all, what I am saying is these are loyal cult followers and this cult didnt origine from Iran but from outside Iran, I remember last year or when it was when the supreme leader was asked something and he replied ' ok let (them) have their Persian new year celebration' he said (them), he was asked by fellow Shia mollas to ban the Persian new year celebrations because they want to arise anything with the old Persian culture which they basically have managed to do but they know if they touch this topic of the Persian new year Nowruz that could be the end of their rule so the supreme leader said let (them) have it, he didnt say let (us) have it he said let (them) have it, he said so because these cult members do not see themselves a part of the Persian people, because they originated from outside and want to keep it they way they are, this is an outrage of course, another reason why all these anti Zionist resistance groups do not mention or directly shill for the regime is because they dont care for the Iranian people and where that money to them comes from as long as they get their share of the pie, this is of course again HARAM money, its like a father stealing the food money from his own kids to spend it on his own gambling habits at some casino and the owner of that gambling house say to him, just bring your money over here and spend it not on your own family but on us instead, this is HARAM money, this is NOT sanctioned by God, do you both Richard and Galloway understand this, in order to drive your own agenda of higher viewers you shill for a bunch of thieves and actual criminals, this is why God is not allowing your agenda which you think you are doing the right thing to succeed, this is why the Zionists are winning all over the place for the past 80 years, because although you think you have God on your side, you do not, you think God will bless a criminal group like Hezbolla this so called party of God with all the crimes they are behind all the haram activities in His name, have you all lost your damn minds, you dont seems to understand, he doenst need any of you for any positive outcome, what He want to see people when they say may we be truthful so help us God they do mean it, they are not hypocritical, people who do not hide facts for their viewers, people who rather put their trust in Him over corrupt cult leaders, do that and you will have His blessing in your work, tell the truth and nothing but it, trust in the what is truthful, this is the only way to defeat the Synagog of Satan, Richard ! do NOT become a politician speak the truth and nothing but the truth.
They killed Rasis !
