Iran candidacy registration: Upcoming snap vote to replace late president

I strongly recommend no one take part in this sham election let the low voter turnout hit new record, I know for a fact the molla regime got shit scared last time after the death of Mahsa Amini, listen to me I have credible info they had never been as nervous as they were of losing the grip totally, for each day that pass by these fuck ups get more and more paranoid, thats why they are starting to take each other out its all out of fear, now with this upcoming elections in 4 days, this is a good opportunity to show your dissatisfaction with these molla criminals by staging mass demonstrations, they are indeed getting weaker by the hour that I dont have to tell you I know you are aware of this, its not a matter of when the mollas will fall its a matter of time and the sooner that time comes better for you, so not only should you not participate in this sham elections you should also show your dissatisfaction with these who assassinate their own left and right, how much do you think they care about you after what you have seen them do to their own, they are weak they are scared they are paranoid they only give the appearances of being stable and in control, Iran belongs only to you not to anyone else, you should decide what direction you want to take your fate at not these Shia mollas who have hijacked your country your lives your minds, people non Iranians from outside, they also do not care what happens to you, they primarily seek to drag you into something beneficial for them, this is the truth sorry to say, what I am saying, if you are about to go to war against the Zionists which I personally see as the greatest threat to mankind including you Iranians, you should decide if thats the case or not, no one else, I would say this to any people out there, I say this to the American people too, you collectively should decide if the Zionists in control of your lives should be the ones to take you to WW3 or not, you also shouldnt let your crazies to decide your future it shouldnt be the devils in City of London in Israel or Washington, American people need to decide this, I can tell you both Iranian people and American people, this decision of yours for good or worse will be of course judged by God to give a verdict what should be done to you, to save you or doom you, and if you stay passive in this question, I am sure you have heard this before, there is no middle ground on this no third options, you either are in or out, the decision need your participation or lack of, what is absolutely clear is, you both are in between a rock and a hard place with very little place to maneuver which I blame on yourselves, you lay in the bed you made no one else to blame, I think the best advice I could offer is not to take part in the neither of the elections, let is play out as it will, the less people taking part in these sham elections just frightens the deepstaters everywhere, because in Iran in the US and other places, you all I hope know it doesnt matter who gets in office, the agenda stays the same so why take part and give legitimacy to these deepstaters, its just dumb, I say fuck them all dont play their game, have dignity stay free.
