Israel Kills 45 People in Rafah 'Safe Zone'

The truth is its gonna get lot worse when Trump gets in, not that its not bad enough now with Genocide Joe this disciple Zionist devil in human form may God send him to the deepest pits in Hell and keep him there forever which is a certain outcome for not only this Zionist criminal but all of them will share the same fate, there is no question the world is closing in to an insanity predicted where these beats will go ahead with their tyranny before the eyes of the whole world in impunity, its gonna let lot worse folks sorry to say we havent seen the worst of it yet, you see what they do before your eyes, I have long said, dont expect any of your leaders to change any of it for the better, they are busy with their own corruption looting stealing and hiding everything they have looted, sure some of them will say a word or two but do not expect more of them its hard for them to kick against their greed their own self preservation and those around them, I predict at least five more years of this and its only turning around for the better when enough of you have come to the realization that you wasted time on these officials and the systems they represent, look its not that difficult to see they are all up to no good, dont expect good coming out of the corrupt, thats all I am saying, just like nothing good came out of Paul the so called  same thing with Constantine your Pope whom many still call "his holiness" same thing with your presidents your religious leaders your supreme leaders any official for that matter, those who bends over to corruption once or twice so many times over and over again there is no road to Damascus for them, dont believe such lies, God only forgives once and not just any sins, there are sins He forgives and sins He doesnt forgive, this is the roadmap you should follow before you rank your leaders, did they cross the redline or not, if you say they did, then you know what to do I hope, this is the way I see it you do yours but expect more betrayal from all of them. 
