'IT'S GENOCIDE': Dave Chappelle Gets Real About Gaza | The Kyle Kulinski...

I remember just before Trump announced he will run for president back in 2015 when all of the sudden all these anti Zionist media personalities all jumped on the Trump wagon that came as a shock for me, absolute shock because the day before they all were anti Zionists with all the valid arguments why and there are countless of arguments why so I shouldnt have to raise them here again, so it all sounded good but a day after these anti Zionists anti NWO morons went to support the biggest pro Zionist candidate there has ever been, so what happened with their old arguments why Zionism equals globalism Zionism is NWO Zionism is 911 Zionism is the Deep State Zionism is tyranny, what happened with these people for them to turn on a dime and go with the biggest pro Zionist crook there is, well even Trump found out when he left office when Shaytanyahoo backstabbed Trump by taking credit for the Abraham Acord for Trump to say Shaytanyaboo is a ' son of a bitch ' but do you think Trump or any of these morons have learned their lesson, no they havent, because Trump is running for himself and he need the support of as many morons he can get, look the question shouldnt be which least evil bastard candidate you should vote for, for the Trumpers these hypocrites excuse everything he says or do, it doesnt matter for them so its not about voting for the least evil candidate, these are cult followers something I said back in 2015, so what to do now, what is going to happen, I believe this cult leader will be the Last Trumpet foretold in the Scriptures for Babylon the Great because it doesnt take a genius to figure out, they are in war with Russia, they want to clamp down on China and when Trump gets in office he will support Shaytanyaboo with everything he needs to start another major war in the Middle East, and if you havent come to this conclusion, none of these countries I just mentioned are not afraid of the US, they will respond to any aggression with the support of not only their own people but with the support of the whole world, with Trump the risk of WW3 breaking out has never been greater so buckle up, you gonna go through some hard time in the near future, I am not saying vote for Biden fuck him too, he will go to history for being one evil wicked piece of shit and after him the next US president will get you in WW3 but it was Biden who paved the way for the mess the world will face pretty soon, its Bidens fault, he could have stopped it but the Zionist he is he made sure this will happen and now at this point in time there is no turning back, Trump will get elected and then things will change forever. 
