Kyle LOSES IT On Jordan Peterson | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Many years ago I watched a video of him saying with straight face that the Jews are the most intelligent people in the world and the Arabs not so, when I heard him say that and I didnt knew much about him I thought who the hell is this guy, what a racist thing to say I thought then, I didnt click on his video till he got more famous, then I heard him talk about his diet and his views on other topics and he looked a bit not only angry all time he also seemed to have phytological problems with I couldnt put my finger on at that time, so I thought perhaps it has to do with his diet, he doent seems to have energy but forcing himself through the day and maybe that affects his view on things. a few years later I heard him say he is in antidepressant medication himself then things started to click for me, first of all he doesnt get the carbs in his diet then he is on meds too that explains the look on his miserable low energy always angry face and the hate he represents in his points, there is nothing positive about the energy he puts out but constant hate, like a Zionist do, there is never anything positive with a Zionists, these people have issues I am telling you, there is something inside them which bothers them constantly that they cant get rid of thats why they feel they have to put others down all the time and Peterson he is good with words, well suited to be a bully till he gets punched in the face real hard in hope of rearrange his misplaced braincells helping him that way.
