New Evidence Points To Possie Foul Play in Iranian Helicopter Crash

What people NEED to understand about Iran or let me say it like this, if you want to understand Iran before you jumpstart your braincells is to warm up with having a few things in mind first, is that Iran is run by a cult an actual cult of Shia clerics and these Shia clerics dosnt have to be Iranians its just a Shia cult people from all over the Middle East including Iranians, this cult have its diehard followers, just like MAGA of the US these cult followers follow their dear leader and leaders wherever they are told to show up, I think the American people understand me and what I am trying to get across a little bit better than perhaps others, because my American readers are also well aware of wherever Trump pops up even in places where he has very little support there are always hundreds or even thousands of people showing up, from all over the US, even across the US, his cult followers follows him everywhere, the Iranian molla cult leaders are the same, when they are called upon they get (shipped) on busses from all around Iran to where they are told to get to, thats why you see hundreds of thousands pop up on these events like in the funeral of Raisi, they are shipped in, I have witnessed it myself, when I was staying in Iran in Tehran for over six months of course because I dont have much money I had to stay in south Tehran in a shitty motel and in south Tehran is where the working class are at, north Tehran is where the well off people are, so I stayed where the poor where, all the cheap motels are in the south Tehran too, then the Zionists invaded Gaza and as you can expect the mollas called upon their cult followers to get shipped to Tehran to demonstrate, and here is where I noticed that all the south Tehrans cheap motel rooms got taken in a days time, during the eight months I was in Iran actually there were a couple of major demonstrations and every time the cheap motels got taken, I mean you couldnt find one single room anywhere, I was keeping track of that, because I was always looking for even a cheaper shithole where I was at so I kept track on things, I am not ashamed of it I am telling you thats how it was, what I am telling you is when you see massive demonstrations in Iran in different cities, it is always the same cult followers getting shipped around from city to city as they are told, things are NOT organic as it might seem like, Iran is a country where the supreme leader can stand in the Iranian version of the Fifth Avenue and shoot the president and he wouldnt lose any supporters, in fact it would make him even more popular amongst his cult followers, he could do nothing wrong in their view, this is when I saw Trump run for office eight years ago and saw how not many dared criticize him over anything, when I saw his so called religious supporters praise his wife a former nude model as they did whitewashed everything about the flawed character of Trump I right there I think I was one of the first ones who said this is a cult, Trump has a cult following, because I had seen the exact same mentality with the Iranian supreme leaders followers, but enough of Trump I want to if I can have some of you out there have a better understanding of how things work in Iran tharts why I drew parallel likeness with MAGA people, what you also should be very aware of unlike the US, the supreme leader what he stands for and all his supporters combined are not more than 10% of the Iranian population unlike the US where Trump does have nearly 50% of support, 90% of the Iranian people do in fact despise the Iranian leader this is because not that they are not good Muslims it is because mainly the massive economical corruption the supreme leader and his cult followers are behind, you see these cult followers they are registered cult followers, and because they are registered these are the ones who got all the government jobs, they have a secure income, they get these government jobs first because they are connected, the 90% of the Iranian people opposing this regime they work in the private sector, this is how this cult keep their cult followers satisfied by providing them with a steady income, and at these government jobs its basically a no show jobs where these government employees do so much so as not much but sitting there on their chairs dont give a damn about getting some actual work done, as any Iranian person you know how it is to deal with these government agency employees, it takes forever to get a piece of paper signed by them, like requesting for a national ID can take you something between two years before you apply to have it in your hand, I am NOT kidding, TWO YEARS ! so what do you do during this two years, they give you after a few months after two months a piece of paper which functions like your national ID you have to have in your pocket and because its a piece of paper what people do is to laminate it so it doesnt tear apart and use this as their ID for two years before that little piece of card gets sent to you, this is one example of the bureaucracy in Iran, because the government employees these cult members these dirty smelly looking like bums they dont do their jobs, they sit there behind their desks either jerking off or playing games on their phones, when you go there to ask them of something they dont even look at you when they if they want answer you, I am NOT kidding ask any Iranian person you know and they would give you the same answer I am telling you here, this is Iran for you, the reason is these cult followers have zero fear of getting fired in fact they are for the absolute most parts even rude to you, you as a foreigner you would get offended if you had to deal with any of these rats, if I could I would beat the living shit of them, and most Iranians would too, so what I am telling you is this, there are no government jobs from teachers to university professors to anything else if you are not a loyal member of this cult forget about getting employment there, its impossible, you have to cover for the System which is the supreme leader otherwise you are gone, so what does all of this has to do with the murder of Raisi, I will tell you, dont listen to anyone from inside Iran these English speaking personalities trying to tell you otherwise, Raisi was killed in that helicopter, he was actually a threat to the supreme leader and his son Moshtaba Khamanei, Moshtaba is a billionaire, he is in control of the telecom business of Iran which draw in millions of dollars on monthly basis, look in Iran if you want to get on Google on Whatsapp and basically if you want to use the internet you need a VPN otherwise you are limited only to Iranian government approved sites, in order to get on the real Internet you need a VPN, and ALL Iranians the 85 million of them are forced to use VPNs, and in order for these VPNs to work through the censured Iranian telecom system you have to buy one and the one having control over that is Moshtaba Khamenei, the son of the supreme leader, this is just one of the monopolies he is in charge of making millions of, this is how it works in Iran, first the government ban something then they sell it to you on the black market for a profit overpriced and you have no choice to buy it from them like VPNs otherwise you have no Internet, the true value of the Khameni family is something around 150 plus billion dollars, some say up to 200 billion dollars, and despite what you have heard that Raisi was the successor of the supreme leader, this is what the disinfo agents of this cult are trying you to believe, its not true, Raisi was a threat to him and his family, like Ahmadinejad was, the actual successor to the supreme leader is his son Moshtaba, if anyone killed Raisi it was the Khamanei family for sure, listen to me folks, do NOT believe anyone trying to tell you otherwise if they first of all live in Iran telling you otherwise because these are this cults trusted disinfo agents, otherwise they wouldnt be allowed to stay on their posts, please understand this, instead stand with the 90% of the Iranian people who knows these criminals better than you ever could, they are the innocent people, you are supporting the criminal evil corrupt self serving tyrants who have made life miserable for these 90% actual innocent people if you keep hearing the disinfo agents of this cult out by giving them airtime on your outlets, you are doing the Iranian people harm by doing what you are doing, I need you to put your trust in God instead of these criminals because nothing good can ever come out of these wicked people, you are prolonging the suffering of all innocent people around the world by siding with the innocent instead of their oppressors, have trust in God instead, He is the One who can turn this mess around but as long as you and many like you keep on the wrong path dont expect Him to turn anything around and why should He when the absolute majority of us keep messing up over and over again, I am giving you the right info here, it doesnt take a genius to understand what I am saying, it just take someone with a clear sense of mind to see through the deceptions and will have nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it, are you that person ? then get on the right path so help us all God, because these losers you have seen their handiwork dont expect better from them, they are unable to change for the better its just not in them they dont have it, they lost faith in mankind long ago there is no turning back for them they have made their final choice, to keep on the track they are on and they will keep on going wherever it will take them, to damnation, I hope I cleared the way for you to chose the other path, far away from them, dont be like them have trust in God ! the word is also that they gave the go ahead for general Soleimani to be taken out, he was also becoming a threat to them, you dont know these things but I do, these people are as dirty as it gets, you have no idea what you are dealing with, you are dealing with those who sold out to the Devil, and they will take out anyone threatening them, there are many good people in their mists because these evil people need these people to legitimize them, when they become a threat they will be taken out, like Raisi, he was becoming a threat to their evil establishment, he was taken out.
