Retired general slams european nations over recognizing a Palestinian st...

Its very nice for Ireland Spain and Norway to recognize the humanity of the Palestinians, what is disappointing is this promotion of a two state solution, the reason being is you are just pushing the issue under the rug, out of sight out of mind, this is what you are doing because what you proposed is no solution because it will never be, 0:28 as you heard him here say it, we have heard them all say it, that there is never going to a be a Palestinian state so why you Ireland Spain Norway and other countries are still insisting is as I said, getting nowhere, instead you should advocate for a one state where both groups can live in peace in, I know you are not naive either, I know as well as I know as long as this third group of human devils the Zionists are still in power in the Holy Land there wont be any peace for anyone, so the problem is the Zionists which you dont ever mention, you dont mention who the trouble makers are, who the real terrorists are and as long as you dont point at the real problem here nothing will get resolved, it is the Zionist ideology which is the problem world wide as you can see with this loyal member of the arm industry tell you all there will never be peace because then he is out of job then he and likes of him will become irrelevant and as long as we all keep them relevant there can never be a better world than they have made it to be with chaos everywhere, these people are the problem, they are the cancer which need to be removed.
