Richard Medhurst Destroys Zionism in its Birthplace Vienna [Full Speech]

Richard said all the right words but he perhaps forgot to mention the fact that Synagog of Satan is driving this Zionist movement, he is a Christian he should know what Jesus warned all about these 'people who will come and pretend to be Jews but are not they are the Synagog of Satan' Jesus also mentioned those real Jews whose father is Satan will collaborate with the Synagog of Satan, Jesus is talking about the Zionist Jews and also those who will pretend to be Jews but are not, these are the things good Christians like Richard should talk more about, because these Zionists are about to sacrifice the red Heifer soon because they know their dark messiah is there among them, all they need is the temple to be quickly rebuilt for this dark wicked individual nobody is talking about, think about it what good is it to build the temple and to sacrifice the heifer if there is no dark Zionist antichrist for them to do it all for, these Zionists are pure evil, they want to initiate WW3 have everyone killed so they can create a new sinister world after their ugly image, dont say I never told you so.
