Survivor Speaks Out!

Here is what people especially the American from all faiths and Christian sects need to know if they were not already informed on this matter of what the Zionist entity among many things is, why it was created, of course it has to do with end time prophecies in its dept which have many branches of explanations in itself, what the Zionist entity also is on the surface for its existence is the fact that its a (military outpost) in the Middle East and Holy Land, this military outpost is of great value for the Zionists which they will do anything to preserve, this military outpost was created for a couple of reasons one is to have quick access to the region to destabilize weaken the region by installing corrupt autocratic regimes which all have been aided to by design fight each other and keep the people of the region never to be able to unite and gain influence, so the Zionists installed people like Saddam together with Khomejni to the rest of them, all these crooks were installed by the same people, then after a while all these regimes including the Zionist entity started to have their own minds and act a bit more independent which was expected, after all we are dealing with human beings here, its like you plant a seed or seeds and a forest of chaos poops up after a while, now after installing these corrupt cancerous seeds of course these people in the region started to compete for power and with the quest for more power and influence people go at each other to have one another removed from power and human beings we are we take easily to offence when people wants you lets say assassinated people take it personally these leaders do in the region, so its less about anything else but the personal quest for staying in power for these leaders and less about the people of the region and their grievances, people are getting used because they are simply stupid having themselves getting used by those who know how to control people, so this Zionist entity was created to do just that, to have people controlled in that region and it has been successful at that as you can see, so you need to realize how valuable this Zionist entity is for the Luciferians, they would sacrifice a million of USS Liberties to keep this unholy entity alive in the Holy Land, just as the Jews have been used in this global conspiracy so have the American people the Iranians the Arabs everyone has and you have heard me say this many times, peace in the Holy Land is world peace, meaning if you knew better you would have abandoned all you do and focus only on to have the Holy Land liberated then the other issues you fight for will get solved automatically, and you DO NOT do that by supporting any side of the un holy coin, you dont support one corrupt regime over another, you cannot was bloody hands with blood you understand that I hope, I know it might sound as a pipe dream right now but I also strongly believe, we made this mess by supporting these crazies all over the place and only we can reverse the mistakes we made, learn from it and go for new ideas, not old already tested and failed ideas but tribal and stupid as most people are they will try to fix what cannot be fixed, its like you live with a lunatic spouse who abuse you time and time again, the sound thing to do is to leave to jump ship try to swim to shore with difficulties and build a new better ship and give it a new try because we cannot we must not despair we have to keep on going, the point is do not try to fix what is broken beyond repair. 
